Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's official, my body is just whacked out.

I do not have gestational diabetes... again.

So, we're kinda back to square one on what the crap is going on with me. The thought now is that, perhaps, my body is just processing carbs straight into glucose..... and that's what is going on. Oy.

And just let me take a moment to whine and complain about the bruising on my inner elbows.... OUCH! And the lovely knot that has formed from the very last stick of the day yesterday.... all I can say is that it's a good thing that one was the last one! It hurt! The tech said that the needle was the same gauge as the butterfly needles that a different tech had been using on me... I think she lied to me.....
Needless to say, none of this has done anything for my needle phobia..... except to make it worse...


Christi said...

All I can say is...welcome to pregnancy! It does the weirdest things to you body! As much as you can, try to laugh it off and know that you will have a beautiful bundle of joy soon!!!

Unknown said...

Well, hang in there! Soon you will be greatly rewarded. Next time they are jabbing you get some EMLA cream before you head in. It will take away the pain. As for the bruises I am not sure - i think you'll have to bear them.