Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shred, Cotton Patch, Uncle Walter & Cheerios

So, I started a new excerise program on Tuesday of last week..... The 30 Day Shred. I know you've heard about it- and I have 1 thing to say, "Holy Crap!" I think it just might kill me. Not kidding. Really. Not. Kidding.

I did day one on Tuesday around 1:30pm'ish. When I went to rehearsal at around 7pm, my legs were still wobbly weak. Wednesday, I woke up & body parts that I never knew I had were hurting. (Ok, that's not quite true, I did know I had those body parts, thanks to an unfortunate canoeing inceident that shall never happen again.... as in, never will you see me in a canoe again.) Walking hurt & stairs my sworn, mortal enemy.

So, I've decided to wait to jump back on the band wagon (completely) until next week. This week is tech week for Cotton Patch & I need to be able to get up and down the stairs to the tech booth without yelping like a wounded puppy every step of the way... though I think I'm still going to do the ab work in the interim.

And, speaking of Cotton Patch- we open on Friday, June 5th! We'll be at the Art Centre Theatre in beautiful downtown Plano. If any of yall are looking for something to do this weekend or next, then come on down! It's a great musical & I'm very proud to be the Stage Manager.

..... is it wrong that Jacob loves to watch the puppets from the Jeff Dunham specials I have on dvd???......... I ask because he is mesmerized by "Uncle" Walter & Achmed & Peanut. He hasn't a clue what they're saying, but I think he likes the sound of "their" voices & watching them move, especially Peanut.

Speaking of Jacob, he's sitting in his high chair right next to me, eating organic cheerio's (sharing them with his buddy, Gizmo) and yanking on my sleeve. I believe it's time for me to sign-off!

1 comment :

Jill said...

I might just need to do the 30 day shed with you...tell me more about it.