Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So Much Fun, I Can't Stand It

I saw WICKED last night.

Let me just give you a moment with that. Okay? Moment over. It was a very late Christmas/Birthday gift from my bestie. Actually, it wasn't a late gift. I knew I was getting it way back at Christmas/my birthday, but WICKED just took it's own sweet time getting here. If you are wondering, it was awesome. If you haven't seen it, go. Go now.

And while we are on the subject of things that are wicked, let me just tell you that taking an increasingly cranky 2 year old shopping in the heat, in Texas..... that should be implemented as a punishment in our judicial system. Epic Fail. We went Father's Day shopping (and late graduation shopping for a very special Maggie, I know) on Monday & by the time we hit Target I was ready to stick my head in the deep freeze.

The child did manage, however to score a new box of crayons (washable and large sized for tiny hands!), a Veggie Tales activity book & a jumbo sized CARS coloring sheet set. He rocked it and he knew it.

And if all that wasn't enough, The Sisters and I have gig in Snyder this weekend. A World War II fly-in. In a hanger! A Party! Should be fun! -

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